Press Release

Dintini Comments on the Closures of the Double Tree Hotel and the Monroeville Convention Center

(Plum, PA)- Small business owner Jen Dinitini, a candidate for the 45th Senatorial District, offered the following comments on the closures of the Monroeville Convention Center and the Double Tree Hotel in Monroeville:

“It is gutting to hear the news that the Double Tree Hotel is closing in Monroeville. My heart goes out to all affected by this sudden closure, especially the employees who face losing their jobs.

For the second time in 2 weeks Monroeville has been hit with news of a major closure. The domino effect caused by the pending closure of the Monroeville Convention Center (MCC) is becoming apparent. We need our leaders to step forward to save this regional asset. According to reports, over $7.5 million dollars of taxpayer money has been given to the convention center over the last 10 years. Apparently, this money was given without assurances of keeping MCC operating for the good of our region. The convention center brings over 400,000 visitors to Monroeville each year which results in hotel stays and business to local stores and restaurants.

I urge Governor Shapiro and Allegheny County’s leadership to fully engage in this effort to save the convention center. Oxford Development cannot be allowed to pull the rug out from under Monroeville. It will take real leadership to save the convention center. I applaud Monroeville’s mayor and council for their advocacy but know they need backup from the state and county to save the convention center.

These are the exact kinds of situations that motivated me to run for the State Senate. These types of headlines are not new to the people of eastern Allegheny County. We need leadership that will shake up this status quo and I know that just sending the next in line, hand-picked politician won’t yield different results for our region.

I would use every tool at my disposal to bring stakeholders to the table to ensure this regional asset remains in Monroeville. It is imperative that developers work with local municipalities to ensure community buy-in for their projects. Oxford Development should work with Monroeville to come to an arrangement that makes sense for Oxford and Monroeville and their potential occupant.”

Paid for by Friends of Jen Dintini


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